v 6 Pola Puisi Untuk Guru Dalam Bahasa Inggris

6 Contoh Puisi Untuk Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris – Puisi merupakan salah satu jenis karya sastra yang dipakai untuk menyalurkan ide, pemikiran, atau pun pandangan seseorang akan sesuatu. Puisi sanggup ditujukan kepada siapa saja, menyerupai orang tua, keluarga, kekasih, para pejabat, atau pun guru. Berikut yaitu beberapa pola puisi untuk guru dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh 1

Unsung Heroes

Unsung heroes

He is the master

Of my education

That gives me knowledge

Sincerely and patiently

Your smile provides encouragement for us

Toward a better future

The speck of your sweat

Indicates a very big struggle

For students

Thank you, teacher

Your struggle means a lot to me

Without you I would not know this world

I will always prayed for you

Thank you, my teacher

Contoh 2

Educational Heroes

If the world we are used to live was empty

That you never fill

Perhaps the only color is hollow, dark

Could not be anything, could not go anywhere

But now our world is full of color

With the scratch lines

That was used to only be a dream

Now it is no longer a dream

That’s because what you have taught to us

About the beautiful colors

On the line to be painted

Also on the word to be read

Thank you teacher from my heart

For all the fighters education

With education we can fix the nation

With education is our fate can be changed

What you may not make it possible

Only the last words out of my mouth

On the day of this national education

Always live the soul of children

O fighters education of Indonesia

Contoh 3

My Heroes

If the sun was gone

The world would be frozen and mute

Rainbow would never shine

Life would not ever happen

While the turmoil point toward

Visible speck of light we find

Appears from the corners of your lips

Gestures and body

You illuminated our roads which were clogged

Which nearly plunged the future of us

You lit us with the light of your knowledge

That nothing will ever disappear in the sweep of the wind


You are a pendekar who never expects a reply

While we do not listen to you

You never complains and gives up

To educate us

From you we know a lot of things

About which colors are beautiful

On the line to be painted

Also on the word to be read

You make our life meaningful


No words we say inappropriate

In addition to thank you for all your services

Forgive us if we’ve let you down

Your services will be our eternal embed all our lives

Thank you teacher, you are my hero


Contoh 4

Thank You, My Teacher


You’re my mentor

You’re the instructors

You’re educators


That�s your nickname

Who never tired in

Teaching and guiding me


You are like the light

Illuminative dark soul of all the world

You are a drop of dew that calm the heart


You are a pendekar who does not expect a reply

From everything that you do

You do with a sense of sincerity


Without you I would be devastated

Without you I’ll be miserable

Without you I would be mistaken


Without you I can not write

Without you I could not read

Without you I can not count


I say thanks to you

For all the services that you provide

As long as I’m learning in this school

Contoh 5

Forgive Us, Teacher

Teardrop of our eys currently

Probably not much, and does not add anything

Because the more meaningful is

Water droplets of heavy rain

You face

You skip

And you’re through with the full sincere heart

All that you do just for us

Heat of the moment

Probably not much, and does not add anything

Because the more meaningful is

The hot of sun radiated

You face

You skip

And you go through with a full heart patient

All that you do just for us

However, sad that you feel at this moment

Probably not much, and does not add anything

Because the more meaningful is

How sad we are today

When all the noble service you gave

We can not go through with the full reciprocation

Teacher, please forgive us

Contoh 6



You are fighters

Who are ready to fortify our

For the sake of this nation’s intelligence

You trained us for strong

You teach us to win

You guide us to success

You’re angry when we surrender

You’re disappointed when we fail

But you’re happy when we win


Truly noble struggles

You’re willing to sacrifice everything

For the sake of our nation’s children

Demikianlah beberapa pola puisi untuk guru dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga beberapa pola puisi tersebut sanggup bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan teman � teman semua. Terima kasih.

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5 Contoh Puisi Tentang Ibu dalam Bahasa Inggris

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