8 Contoh Announcement Text in The School – Sebelumya kita telah membahas mengenai pengertian dan tujuan pengumuman (announcement). Nah, kali ini kami akan membahas mengenai pola pengumuman atau announcement di sekolah. Apakah kalian pernah melihat pengumuman di sekolah dalam Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya? Jika belum, berikut yaitu beberapa pola Announcement Text in the school.
Contoh 1
SMA N 1 Jati Agung will have a Grand Alumni Homecoming on Januari 15, 2016 at 10:00 at Seventh Hotel as a celebration of the 20th Foundation Anniversary of Sekolah Menengan Atas N 1 Jati Agung.
In this regard, we cordially invite you to attend the event in order to meet old friends, classmates, acquaintances and teachers, reminiscing memorable experiences and sharing stories of successes and most specially renewing our commitment to the noble ideals of our beloved Almamater ,
The registration fee is Rp. 200.000, – per person and it is paid on the spot. These charges include Alumni T-shirt, Alumni ID, Alumni souvenir, dinner, live grup band and raffle draw.
For further information, please contact our Alumni Secretariat at (0721) 889-6484 or text us at 082274646373.
We look forward to welcoming you in this celebration once a year.
Contoh 2
English Speech Contest
For all students of Sekolah Menengan Atas N 10 Bandar Lampung, we announced English Speech Contest
Date and Time : Tuesday, April 17, 2016
Venue : Hall of Sekolah Menengan Atas N 10 Bandar Lampung
Each class must follow this competition with at least one student of each class with one of the following topics:
� Advantages of Learning English
� Difficulties of Learning English
� The Effective Ways to Learn English
For more information, visit the committee’s English Speech Contest in OSIS room.
OSIS of Sekolah Menengan Atas N 10 Bandar Lampung.
Contoh 3
now called
And I’m sure you can guess why!
We have produced the best software of English � Indonesia in the region, and now we have built an English – Javanese dictionary for your PC and smartphone. Is that amazing?
You may use our free English – Java dictionary for your PC, Notebook, Ipad, and smartphone. 30 days free for trying our dictionary. For more information, visit our blogsite in indlish.english.com.
* Bring this announcement with you and we’ll take 10% off for any purchase.
Contoh 4
SMA Global Surya is providing scholarships up to 100 students of anabawang high school and senior high school. The following requirements must be fulfilled:
– High interest in English and Mathematics
– Certified for IT, including Office, Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCAD
It is also possible for the principal of the school to provide a letter of recommendation to make the awardees received the scholarship.
For more information, visit our blogsite in globalsurya.sch
Contoh 5
Announcement on Youth Day
In commemoration of Youth Pledge Day, some activities will be held. Various events will be held reflecting the resilience of Indonesian youth to face the challenges. Come and make history by visiting the Youth Building at:
Day : Saturday
Date : October 28, 2016
Time : 09:00 – finished
Place : Soekarno – Hatta Street.
To foster a love for the homeland and to give the importance of the event, kindly invite young people in your school.
Best regards,
Committee of Youth Pledge
Contoh 6
Junior High School 1 Jati Agung
Jl. Sukodadi Lampung Selatan
The principal of Junior High School 1 Jati Agung announces that in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Junior High School 1 Jati Agung will hold a hike. This event will be held on:
Day / Date : Sunday, August 20, 2016
Time : 07:00 a.m. – finished
Place : Junior High School 1 Jati Agung
Remembering the importance of this activity, all students are required to attend the event.
Lampung Selatan, August 15, 2016
Headmaster of Junior Hish School 1 Jati Agung
Rio Setiawan. S.Pd.
Contoh 7
Youth Jasmine
Secretariat: Panglima Polem Street 107 Bandar Lampung
In order to care about others, Youth Jasmine will hold a fundraiser to be donated to our brothers and sisters who are the victims of natural disasters in some regions of the country. Donation can involve clothing, food, and money.
All residents are expected to voluntarily engage in fund raising. Donations can be submitted to:
1. Julio Mahesa, phone 082176383938
2. Cantika Lenova, phone 081963733983
3. Bintang Wicaksana, phone 085779380221
4. Gina Renata, phone 085757268229
5. Kevin Anggara, phone 082258639392
The fund raising is submitted up to September 29, 2016.
Thank you so much for the participation of all people in Kedaton. May our good deeds be rewarded by God Almighty, aamiin.
Bandar Lampung, September 15, 2016
Chairman of fundraising,
Ken Setiawan
Contoh 8
11th grade students must attend extra classes that will begin on October 16 to 31, 2016. For students who have not enrolled yet are expected to fill out the registration form at the administration office.
All students are required to attend the extra classes in order to be successful in doing the national examinations.
Principal of Senior High School 9.
Demikianlah beberapa pola Announcement Text di sekolah. Semoga pola � pola tersebut sanggup bermanfaat bagi teman � teman semua dan sanggup menambah ilmu kalian. Terima kasih.
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Pengertian Announcement Text, Tujuan, dan 4 Contohnya
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